On behalf of BIODICE, Rannveig Magnúsdóttir was invited to attend a Nordic conference in Oslo, Norway on August 27-28 2024. The conference is a part of the project Joint Nordic Effort for Biodiversity, a new initiative by Nordic Civil Society Organizations aimed at catalyzing biodiversity action and advancing the implementation of the Biodiversity Plan (Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework -GBF) within the Nordic region. In this project ForUM Norway collaborate with CONCORD Sweden and the Danish 92 Group but at the conference there were participants from all of the Nordic countries, including Iceland, Faroe islands and Greenland. The conference program included various plenary sessions and a number of roundtable strategy sessions where participants could choose topics to discuss.

Joint policy recommendation
The end product of the project will be a joint policy recommendation for each of the Biodiversity Plan (GBF) targets on both a national and international level. The second draft is now being reviewed and will be published by the Nordic Council of Ministers and delivered to the Nordic governments for the upcoming CBD COP16 on 21 October – 1 November 2024 in Cali, Colombia.
The Biodiversity Plan (Global Biodiversity Framework)